what i can publish a game in the browser for everybody play

I was wondering how do I put my game, I got the "web player" but when I run the game in the browser the link is C: webplayer / webplayer.html and appears on a page as any I can put the game on a page that I want in google sites as I tried to import the folder to my site and I did not want to know my game I publish on my site

You'll need a website/webhotel where you can save/store your published game to. When you publish from Unity3D you select a folder on a harddrive. But if you want it to go online, that harddrive needs to be on a webhotel/webpage.

If you have your own webserver, then you need to add the "MIMEtype" for Unity files. Its not always by default allowed to "download" such files on a rented webfarm/website.

So you'll need:

1) a website (as in www.mywebsite.com) or similar. 2) some kinda way to transfer files to it (upload, FTP, remotedesktop or something) 3) to be able to add new MIME-types to the website (if it isnt there already).

A sample of it working, I can show you here on my own little development server. http://3d.d9.dk/pills/?wpplayer

I you want to use google sites you can check this previous question; Google Sites for hosting my game