What I Learned During the Development of MatchCraft (Unity3D Free to Play)

I finally released my first title made with Unity3D on the iOS app store. Using Unity and components from the Asset Store helped tremendously. I made a big writeup on /r/gamedev over on reddit about lessons learned. Please check it out:


If you want to download MatchCraft (it’s free) go here:


Thank you for your time!

edit: Links fixed. I’m a doofus.

Following the link for your post-mortem leads to a Reddit “Page Not Found.” :frowning:

All links are broken :frowning:

Dang. I’ll fix them, wonder what happened.

The images look fantastic! Downloading now - will check it out this weekend and leave a review. Support the community!

Excellent post-mortem! Thanks for fixing the link!

I would have never considered half of those monetization options, again, being a ‘good UI developer’ by instruction and commercial practice.

I guess $1500 for art isn’t actually very bad, in all honesty. I’ve been looking for concept art for Thora, and I’ve had some pretty fair quotes from those who responded.

Great stuff - thanks for sharing!

Nice tips man, thanks for sharing.

I put a link to the web player in the comments on the /r/gamedev post, but if anyone here wants to try it here’s a link. Just remember that I didn’t design it for the web, but some people still want to try it out:


Thank you for sharing your experience. I think more people should follow your lead and invest in an artist.

I agree, RyanB, having the artist on board gave me the motivation to finish. It would have been a shame to waste such good art. I also have some good resources that I can pull from for future projects too.

Nice game! I really love the art. It makes it look like a really really professional game. And thanks for your postmortem! It’s quite useful and informative. :slight_smile:

I look forward to see it on Android really soon.