What is a Compiler Error, and how can I fix it?

I am 13 years old and am trying to figure out how to use unity and C#, but I’ve gotten virtually nowhere because ALL of my scripts can’t be used due to “compiler errors”. All I’m wondering is WHAT is causing them and HOW to fix them. Plus, please don’t be all rude and jump to the conclusion that I’m just getting all of you to do work for me.

Each compile error will include a error value and line number. If you look at these messages (from top to bottom) and fix each one one at a time, you’ll slowly get the problems solved. This website has lots of existing questions and answers that tackle compiler errors. As an example, a compiler error cs0246 has a detailed answer here:

a compile error is where the compiler (the thing that turns your code into 1s and 0s) cannot understand the code you have written (e.g. a varible not being defined before referring to it)