What is a dynamic nav mesh?

I have read this in a forum where people talked about creating a star craft like game.
Can somebody tell me what this is?

If you use navmesh obstacles, your ai will path around new structures. That’s a way in which nav meshes can change dynamically. Unfortunately, Unity3D does not have a way to bake nav meshes dynamically if that’s what you meant. If you need navmesh functionality for procedural content, it would be best to get a path finding system using something like A*.

Aron Granberg’s Astar Pathfinding Project (available on the Asset Store) lets you assign a mesh to a NavMesh graph at runtime, scan at runtime, and use special Graph Update Objects to make nodes unwalkable in an area defined by a polygon. The Pro version even supports local avoidance.

Sorry, I don’t understand that yet.
Can you start simpler?

Thank you.

I recommend you start with the learn section, in particular there is a way to move lots of things around called navmesh. It’s built into unity and you can learn how it’s made here: http://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/projects/survival-shooter

@hippocoder Can you move an object that has a navmesh on it without breaking it? It’d be nice if you could have prefabs with navigable areas baked on them.