What is a good size for tutorial page images/videos?

I haven’t been able to figure out a good size for tutorial page images or videos. The spacing around them seems to vary and sometimes images are blurry (the original image is not blurry). Is there a recommended size?

Hi @kevinwatson , it looks like videos in the LEGO Microgame’s tutorials ae 300x100, so that size should be ok

Hi. We’ll make sure to add authoring instructions/tips for images and videos in the upcoming release(s). For now I’d recommend to check out some of the microgames (LEGO Microgame or FPS Microgame for example) for reference. For the blurry image, I think this is probably your problem, make sure you are using this setting for the texture: 7240295--871856--upload_2021-6-15_16-7-24.png

Here’s a quick summary:

  • images/videos: 300 x 150
  • welcome dialog image: 700 x 200
  • In your texture asset’s Import Settings, make sure you have chosen Editor GUI and Legacy GUI as the Texture Type.
  • For video, WebM VP8 is recommended (supported on Windows, macOS and Linux, Unity - Manual: Video file compatibility)

Thanks for the tips! Indeed, the blurry images were due to having the Texture Type set to “Default”. Setting it to “Editor GUI and Legacy GUI” solved the problem.

I do have the following warning for some images “Only textures with width/height being multiple of 4 can be compressed to DXT1 format”. After doing some research, I know how to get rid of that warning, but I assume the warning is not a big deal for tutorial images. If you suggest 300 x 150, it looks like you’ll get that warning.

You can simply set Compression to None, assuming that the textures are only used in the Editor/tutorials and won’t be used at runtime.

Can you please add this to the IET docs? Already there? What is the link?

Hi. https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.learn.iet-framework@3.1/manual/framework-documentation.html#tutorial-media