I’m having a weird issue in one of my scenes where particles disappear from an oddly regularly shaped area of the screen. As I move the camera around, I’m seeing the particles disappear from chunks of the screen. In one scene, the “cut out” part of my particles exactly matches the geometry of one of the objects in the scene, but that object isn’t anywhere near the particle system.
Here’s an example, where a rectangular chunk of the screen has no particles in it:
I’m using HDRP, but I’ve seen this happen before in the built-in renderer. Any idea what might be causing this?
Well, the gif is the Scene view, not the game view. This issue happens both in-game and in the scene view, so I don’t think camera settings would affect the scene view?
I eventually started removing objects from the scene, and found that after removing a cube, made in ProBuilder, the problem stopped happening. Adding back a new ProBuilder cube with the same (opaque) materials didn’t cause the problem to return, however. So, I guess I’ll just throw my hands up on this one, not having a good idea what happened or how to actually reproduce this anymore.