With no compiler errors I cannot understand why my left hand (direct interactor) will change color on hover and shake when its collider passes through an interactable and my right will pick up items and activate them. I’ve made no changes to the xri default action maps. I put up a simple gun upon first build instantiated bullets, worked normally, then pushed a second build and the gun will not instantiate the prefab. Its like the physics system is impacting both interactables and rigidbodies. Are there known issues with the XR interactions and these versions of unity rgiht now. I canned my 2022.3.34 project and started a new small scene build in 2022.3.40 to see if I could replicate the fault and my left hand is not picking up but works normally in regular games. Meta Quest 3 is what I’m pushing builds to. Anything you got I’d appreciate.