What is happening while loading the scene?

So, I do not clearly understand what processes are performed while loading a scene. I load my main scene from menu , using loading screen, so the scene is showed after complete loading , but what is complete loading? Does it include awake method of objects? I’m asking , because I have method , that load the data from file , and then some objects get information from that loading data in Awake method. And I don’t understand whether this loading of data is heppening after loading the scene or while loading the scene.
Perhaps a little confused explanation, sorry for that.

I think it all happens on the first frame after a scene load. Something I think is called scene activation is done after 90% has completed while doing LoadSceneAsync(). If you use LoadScene() it happens after that.

//this is run on the first frame after scene change
Awake(); //on all game objects
Start(); //then this
Update(); //then this

To avoid frame rate hickups I spread out heavy initialization work during the first frames in Update(), but it’s often impossible to have fully smooth transition between scenes, because Async works poorly.

For an example of LoadSceneAsync you can look at my answer to this.

But there are many other questions about this.