What is MonoScript Bundle?

In the Build section of the Addressable Asset Settings there is the Monoscript Bundle Naming Prefix setting. Can someone explain what the Monoscript Bundle is and why I might want to enable it?

I have not been able to find any info on this, apart from finding it in the Library folder

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The information can be found in here:

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If I set the default local group build and load paths to remote the monoscript bundle shows up in the remote build path. Does this imply I can deliver code changes through the bundle without updating the app itself?

The monoscript bundle doesn’t contain the code. More information about the content of the monoscript bundle can be found in Addressables FAQ | Addressables | 1.20.5, under ‘What changes to scripts require rebuilding Addressables?’

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No as Alan-Liu mentioned, it contains information about where to find the code from your player assemblies, not the code itself.
You do however need it to be remote if you want to have new content to reference additional code that was not previously used.

The main use of the MonoScripts bundle is to avoid issues that can only be solved by having different bundles reference the same monoScript. It is generally good to enable it as a precaution, but may not be necessary unless you come across problems, such as missing object references in components,