I picked up this script from a free unity program but it is telling me it does not recognize MovementMotor. how do I fix this and what do I replace it with. here is the script that I have where movementmotor is used. it is from the angry bots tutorial from unity. The error message I get is
assets/Standard Assets/Scripts/AI scripting/AttackMoveController,js(4,20): BCE0018: The name 'MovementMotor' does not denote a valid type ('not found').
The code I use is:
#pragma strict
// Public member data
public var motor : MovementMotor;
public var targetDistanceFront : float = 2.5;
public var targetDistanceBack : float = 1.0;
public var weaponBehaviour : MonoBehaviour;
// Private memeber data
private var character : Transform;
private var nextPatrolPoint : int = 0;
private var player : Transform;
private var goingRight : float = 1;
private var directionChangeTime : float = 0;
function Awake () {
character = motor.transform;
player = GameObject.FindWithTag ("Player").transform;
function OnEnable () {
if (weaponBehaviour)
weaponBehaviour.enabled = true;
function OnDisable () {
if (weaponBehaviour)
weaponBehaviour.enabled = false;
function Update () {
// Calculate the direction from the player to this character
var playerToCharacterDirection : Vector3 = (character.position - player.position);
//playerToCharacterDirection.y = 0;
playerToCharacterDirection.Normalize ();
// Set this character to face the player,
// that is, to face the direction from this character to the player
motor.facingDirection = -playerToCharacterDirection;
// Calculate the angle in degrees this character is away from the front of the character.
// If this character is in front of the player, the angle is 0,
// to the side is 90 and behind is 180.
var degreesFromPlayerForward : float = Vector3.Angle (playerToCharacterDirection, player.forward);
// If not almost directly in front of the player, base the direction on what
// is the shortest route to get behind the player: Left or right way around.
if (degreesFromPlayerForward > 30) {
goingRight = Mathf.Sign (Vector3.Dot (-playerToCharacterDirection, player.right));
directionChangeTime = Time.time;
// If this character has stayed in front of the player for more than a little while,
// change direction to the other way around. This avoids some cases of the character
// getting stuck while the player is aiming at him.
else if (Time.time > directionChangeTime + 0.8) {
goingRight = -goingRight;
directionChangeTime = Time.time;
// behindFactor is how much this character is behind the player.
// 0 degrees is a value of 0 and 90 degrees or more is a value of 1.
var behindFactor : float = Mathf.InverseLerp (0, 90, degreesFromPlayerForward);
// Lerp the target distance between the front and back target distances based on the behindFactor
var targetDistance : float = Mathf.Lerp (targetDistanceFront, targetDistanceBack, behindFactor);
// Calculate the targetPosition
var targetPosition : Vector3 = player.position + playerToCharacterDirection * targetDistance;
// If this character is not already behind the player, strafe sideways to get behind
if (degreesFromPlayerForward < 120)
targetPosition += character.right * goingRight;
// Calculate the target vector that this character should move along
// to reach the target position
var targetVector : Vector3 = targetPosition - character.position;
targetVector.y = 0;
// Make sure the target vector doesn't exceed a length if one
if (targetVector.sqrMagnitude > 1)
targetVector.Normalize ();
// Smooth the movement direction a bit so this character doesn't change direction abruptly
motor.movementDirection = targetVector;