What is needed to create a full game?

Hi guys, I recently started using Unity and I’m currently developing a “Choose your own adventure” text game in C#.

I decided to take a look in the Assets Store, to see if there was something I liked and I noticed that there are many things in the Assets Store that are not just sprites.

I wanted to ask: Do I need anything else (Other than code and sprites) to make a game?

There’s this Editor Extension in the Asset Store called “Third Person Controller”, do I need to buy that in order to make a third person shooter game or can I do that with just code?

Also, I see all these Engines, what are they for? Do I need one?

The needs of your game depend on what you want your game to do. If you want to make a Third-person shooter, you have the option of writing all the code and creating the animations and controllers yourself. Or you could buy an asset from the Asset Store to expedite the process for you.

You don’t have to use that to make that style game. The idea is that it saves you a good bit of time, and if you value your time properly, you’ll find most of these types of packages are amazing deals. That said, don’t go buying up tons of assets thinking that making a game will be a piece of cake, as there’s still tons of work you have to do to make a cohesive product.

There are a ton of these, and you’ll have to be more specific. Though honestly, the asset’s store page or linked website would do a better job explaining this than we could. Again, the question of needing one is more specific to your game and your skillset rather than “Oh, you want to make a Minecraft-style game, you must purchase this, this, and this.”

All you need is determination. You don’t need anything from the asset store but it might have something to make things easier for you.

…and a computer.


I always forget that part.


…and coffee.

As a hobbiest all you really need is determination and patience. It takes time to learn the trade like it does with everything else. There will be a lot of times you will sit and look at extremely boring tutorials to learn some programming or engine specific.
Do not take shortcuts until you can make at least a simple game without help, dont copy paste code and use it without understanding it to begin with. If you dont get the basic understanding of game dev, you will never make anything exciting.

As a professional.

  • Money.
  • No girlfriend, boyfriend or friends. Get rid!
  • A very dark room to code in.
  • Dont visit your parents too often, its too time consuming.
  • Delete you Facebook profile.



You need passion and patience. A lot of them.

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The opposite can also work. A significant other who is willing to work full time can keep food on the table while you make games.


Will try and tell my girlfriend that :smile:



You need free time, dedication and source of income to pay your bills while you’re working on the game.

You can make your own sprites and write your own code, if you want

Ah, house-husband route? That can work, but you’ll spend half of your day on house chores. And the other half of the day on your kid, if you have one.

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full monies

Another important thing to remember is, I consider this pivotal, that learning is easy and anyone with a brain can do it. Patience is needed though. Why? Understanding what you have learnt is what ultimately takes time. Remove frustration from learning.

Save yourself the mental energy and avoid being frustrated when you don’t understand what you have learnt. Give your magnificent mind the time needed to help you reach that Eurika moment. It may take a day, 3 weeks or 10 years.

When that understanding blasts out from your subconscious that Eurika moment…well, there’s no better feeling.