I can understand what is: #SCRIPTNAME # for.
But I do not know #NOTRIM # is it for.
Are there more #FUNCTIONS # ? where to find them?
c#, unity-game-engine
Here is an example using #NOTRIM # inside a Unity default template 81 C# NewBehaviour Script
The short answer is you can either leave them in your templates or remove them. It makes no difference because they are stripped from any new script asset generated from that template.
To explain why they are there, in Unity 5.5, tabs were added to some empty lines in the templates for better indentation. The #NOTRIM # text is a special marker used by the template file system to mark lines that end in whitespace, like tabs. They prevent that whitespace from being stripped by our source code tools. The Unity Editor then strips all the markers when the template is used.
A short answer from https://support.unity3d.com/hc/en-us/articles/210223733-How-to-customize-Unity-script-templates
What is this NOTRIM for and how to use it?
Does anybody know #NOTRIM # what is it for? Is inside the C# template.
I’m not sure either. I’m guessing that it’s there to prevent empty lines from being deleted depending on your operating system.
It doesn’t seem useful to me on a PC, so I don’t bother using it. It might be more useful on a MacOS system, but I have no way to verify this theory.
It doesn’t seem to have any effect on MacOS either.
I just tested with Unity 5.6.1 and MonoDevelop 5.9.6.
You just answered your own question in your first post…
In the MonoBehaviour template it preserves the indenting inside the empty functions. the auto-trimming of white-space may be platform or IDE specific, so #NOTRIM # likely can help standardize that. so that the intended behavior is consistent. Honestly #NOTRIM # is likely a noop. but simply cause its there it indirectly prevents the parser from clearing that line.
Thats all its for. automatically setting indentation within the function.
is there a list of other placeholders?
Not really. And there is not much to it.
And that’s it.
I also wrote this package: https://github.com/LurkingNinja/com.lurking-ninja.csharp-templates
It’s easy to extend to introduce new, whatever markers you like, although you will have to change the source code if you want.
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