• Synty Studios reduced [POLYGON - City Characters](http:// Unity Asset Store - The Best Assets for Game Making) $14.99 (25% OFF) A low poly asset pack of characters to create a city based polygonal style game. 19 Unique characters with x4 alternative Color and 3 skin tone variations - Male Biker - Male Fast Food Worker - Male Fire Fighter - Male Grandpa - Male Hipster - Male Hobo - Male Jock - Male Punk - Male Tourist - Male Gangster - Male Road worker - Male Hot dog guy - Female Gamer - Female Grandma - Female Hipster - Female Paramedic - Female Punk - Female Summer Girl - Female Shop Keeper Character setup to work with Mecanim (no animations included in this pack)
• Curio Assets reduced FoT Trivia False Or True (Complete Game) $30 (intro price) FoT Trivia is a fun little addicting game where you need to answer various questions. You need to tell if a statement is correct or not. There are two different game modes. Single player and multiplayer. The Simple Multiplayer mode is where 2 users can play the game together on a the same device. *) Simple and easy to understand code and flow is used. *) Questions can be categorized in various categories. *) The data is in XML file. You can add as many questions as you want with little work. *) Two Games modes.
• Ciconia Studio reduced Shader Painter $25 (50% OFF) Shader Painter is a pixel painting tool which let you paint advanced materials effects. More that a simple vertex tool, Shader Painter allows you to add extremely details shapes on a single polygon.
Cookie $3.00 (25% OFF) by Mixaill 3D Models/Characters/Toons Stupid Dino $3.00 (70% OFF) by Mixaill 3D Models/Characters/Toons You will find reduced assets and more on 221B Asset Street!
Well for Medieval Location $3.00 (50% OFF) by Mixaill 3D Models/Props/Exterior Old Church with Interior $3.00 (70% OFF) by Mixaill 3D Models/Environments Siege tower $3.00 (40% OFF) by Mixaill 3D Models/Props/Weapons Crypt $3.00 (40% OFF) by Mixaill 3D Models/Environments Gargoyle statue $3.00 (40% OFF) by Mixaill 3D Models/Props/Exterior
Coffins Pack $3.00 (40% OFF) by Mixaill 3D Models/Props Winter House $3.00 (40% OFF) by Mixaill 3D Models/Environments/Fantasy Stone Fence and Gates $3.00 (40% OFF) by Mixaill 3D Models/Environments Bikers $3.00 (70% OFF) by Mixaill 3D Models/Characters/Humanoids/Fantasy Wolf $3.00 (70% OFF) by Mixaill 3D Models/Characters/Animals
General Textures 1 $5.00 (29% OFF) by Deer Lover Textures & Materials POLYGON WW2 German Soilders $5.00 (5% OFF) by Creative act 3D Models/Characters M16-A4 HD $5.00 (5% OFF) by Creative act 3D Models/Props/Weapons/Guns M1911 HD $5.00 (50% OFF) by Creative act 3D Models/Props/Weapons P90 HD $5.00 (50% OFF) by Creative act 3D Models/Props/Weapons/Guns
usp 45 HD $5.00 (50% OFF) by Creative act 3D Models/Props/Weapons/Guns Mark 23 (MK23) HD $5.00 (50% OFF) by Creative act 3D Models/Props/Weapons Glock 19 HD $5.00 (50% OFF) by Creative act 3D Models/Props/Weapons/Guns M9 HD $5.00 (50% OFF) by Creative act 3D Models/Props/Weapons/Guns You will find reduced assets and more on 221B Asset Street!