What is the best way to save a baked light probe?

Let’s say I’ve created a light probe, set to “baked” and I see it in it’s preview window. My scene is captured in its current lighting environment.

Because my game is procedurally generated, I want to be able to do this in the editor and then save the light probe for later use. I thought I would be able to make a prefab from the baked light probe, but this does not work.

I’m thinking I may be able to use a script to access the lightProbe.bakedTexture and then save this as a cubemap and use that to drive a “Custom” mode lightprobe, and make a prefab of this, but that seems like a long way to go about it.

Am I missing something?

Well, duh.

I just realized that Unity already saves the .exr cubemaps. They are in the same folder as the current scene.