What is the best way to use Unity Analytics and split the data from Development and Release Builds

Hi, right now I’m dealing with a single project that used to create Development and Release Builds, but it is linked to a single Unity Analytics Project.

My current thoughts are having two different Unity projects, one for Development and Release and modifying the Project settings dynamically before a build but that involves hacking the project settings file. Does anyone have a better solution?

What you’ve described is exactly how I’ve always done it. As far as I know, there’s not a better way (unfortunately.) I maintain a production and a development project for everything I work on, and switch between them manually.

EDIT: you could put your developers into a custom segment by sending an event from debug builds, but your raw data and livestream would be polluted, and you can’t combine segments, so it doesn’t really work if you use segments for anything else (like to examine iOS and Android statistics separately.)

Hey nox_pp,

That’s reassuring to hear. And yeah the custom segment via event sounds like too much of a hassle for anyone viewing the Analytics too. Looks like I’ll have to modify the project settings file.


@VMugen @nox_pp This post should provide additional information Some suggestions on how to keep test data separate from production data.