What is the best workflow for using many game objects

I want to use addressable for the whole scene to reduce content size on my builds. When I design my level If gameobject, material, texture is used in the scene build will add it. As I understand, after loading I should instantiate game objects and assign materials, textures. To use scene loading with adressables I should remove that scene from the build list.

Is there any way to use all assets on level design and use them as addressable? Can I use a custom build script to remove some objects from mu build and instantiate all at runtime?

Can I use reflection probe and lightmaps with addressables?

I do not really understand what you mean by this. You should be able to do anything you can using scenes without Addressables, with using Addressables.

Do you mean from the Scene when building Addressables, or the Player build?
You can modify a Scene during a build on both counts using https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Callbacks.PostProcessSceneAttribute.html

Yes, that data is built in with the Scene.

After 10 days I asked those questions, I had progressed and can do all now. I can use the analyze tool and correct problems.

I have just that problem;