What is the difference between these two TransformVector calls?

I’ve been searching around the net, yet I couldn’t find the specific answer to my question: What is the difference between the following two calls of TransfromVector?

Vector3 xaxis = A_Object_Name.TransformVector(new Vector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));


Vector3 xaxis = Transform.TransformVector(new Vector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));

Are they functionally the same? Or is there a difference since one uses an Object’s Transform vs. just using Transform?

The documentation does not reference this method to work on a GameObject, which I assume the type of “A_Object_Name” is?

Anyhow, if this does work the result of the method is most likely the same or the first method is referencing to the GameObjects transform likely making it the same as A_Object_Name.Transform.TransformVector … (I’d assume at least)
But as the documentation does not reference this method existing more than once I’m sure they would result in the same.
Also the second method you mentioned will run on the transform of the script that it is attached to.

Have you tried running the first bit of code you posted?