What is the maximum number of tags you can use in the inspector now?


I am using a few tags, but was just wondering if there was a maximum amount of tags one can have in the inspector (the normal tags system)? Doing a short google search someone said 10,001 is the maximum number of tags you can use. If this is the case, that’s great! I just wanted to check though, to see if it has changed or not.

I’m also using Unity 5 beta right now, so I’m not sure if the maximum number of tags has changed in Unity 5 either?

Thanks for any info.

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Go to the tags & layers manager, set the size of the tags array to some number, and see what happens.


Hi Eric,

I don’t see a way to set the number of tags? There is an “Add to List” button to add another tag, but I’m not seeing an input field to specify a number.

Oh, right, they changed that in Unity 5. Well, I guess keep clicking the “+” button until you can’t anymore. :wink:


lol, ok ya, I was confused. I was gonna show you a picture of it haha.

Well, I’m not THAT curious to know if it can go up to 10,000+ lol. Thanks anyways though Eric :slight_smile: I’m just gonna assume it can go above 200 or so, and I’d be okay with that. I doubt I’m going to use over say 500 max…but I guess you never know.

I’m pretty sure you can have any number of tags as they end up only being a string stored with the game object. Layers are different, there you have a limit because they end up being bits :wink:

At least in Unity 4, there is for sure a 10,001 limit, which you can test by simply setting the size of the array to anything more than 10,001. It’s clearly an arbitrary limit (10,001? Wut?), but the inspector gets quite laggy with that amount. But then, if you need that many, you’re abusing the concept of tags and should have a re-think. :wink:


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