On an existing project, I’m getting a series of errors that seem to totally destroy everything I’ve created with the Unity 5 GUI system:
Invalid .info discovered. no metadata file. Ill be deleted. (Followed by some .info files in metadata)
Timestamps (169) and assets (167) maps out of sync
Asset ‘/APplications … /UnityEngine.UI.dll’ is in timestamps but not know to guidmapper.
Seems to have destroyed everything to do with the GUI system. No scripts are attached any longer and none of the GUI elements are visible.
Any ideas?
That’s a common error. You can fix it as follows:
Quit Unity; go into Unity 5 folder, search for unityEngine.UI.dll (which will find two of them)
and move the first one into desktop folder in list at left; then restart Unity; quit Unity again, then move the file back into original folder, then restart Unity. May also have to do the same steps for UnityEditor.UI.dll
Another, more timeconsuming, solution is apparently to click Assets > Reimport All, although I haven’t tried that yet.
Reimport all worked perfectly for me although I had a very small project so it took a couple of seconds