What is the most popular open-world game map control solution?

I am creating a 2.5D game using Unity, with a 3D world combined with 2D textures. I want to make an open-world game, so I need to manage the loading and unloading of the large world. Are there any established large-world map solutions or recommended efficient approaches for this?

You can take alook at

It also supports client side origin shifting (server needs to be adressed by dev if making a MP game).

Just know that open world is a advandced topic. A bit easier in 2.5 since draw distance is fixed.

This entire kit only uses 2 gb of VRAM. For top down you could get away with lower res texture settings and easily be under 1 gb for top down 2.5d. In other words, you most likely won’t need to use an extra solution for the type of game you are building…it makes it alot more difficult to build and manage using streaming tools. Use the right assets and you can put everything in one scene and save yourself lots of work.

That being saif, if you absolutely must use streaming, then Insecond world streamer.

How big of an open world are you looking to build? I specialize in this so let me know you have any questions. I am the maker of the fastest open world environment assets available on the asset store.