What is the Package Manager URL for the Input System releases?

What’s the magic package URL to add to the Package Manager to get access to the 1.1.0-pre* “Experimental” builds in Unity 2021, please?

Input System isn’t mentioned here: https://forum.unity.com/forums/experimental-pre-release-packages.549/

Found it, by guesswork:

Add package from git URL: “com.unity.inputsystem@1.1.0-pre.6”

For version 1.1.1, use: “com.unity.inputsystem@1.1.1”

For some reason, this doesn’t work for version 1.3.0:


Any idea how to install this release?

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It’s probably not in the UPM catalog yet (I assume they are running the tests after release from github). And holidays and vacations happened in the mean time.
What you can do, if you don’t want to wait, is that you uninstall the input system from the Package Manager, download the source from the link you provided, and simply copy the InputSystem-1.3.0.zip\InputSystem-1.3.0\Packages\com.unity.inputsystem folder into the Packages folder in your project. Only the com.unity.inputsystem folder on the above path inside the compressed file you downloaded. It will add the 1.3.0 as a local package. You won’t be able to update it later, but when they release it, you delete the local package and install it properly in the Package Manager again.

You can add following code to your manifest.json if you are desparate to get 1.3.0. For me, it resolved a lot of problems in tests.

"com.unity.inputsystem": "https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/InputSystem.git?path=/Packages/com.unity.inputsystem#1.3.0",

Thanks @ & @KurtGokhan - I’ll look into both methods.

You can simply remove the current InputSystem version from the PackageManager and add the URL @KurtGokhan provided through Package Manager / + / Add package from git URL too.

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That was a nice one-shot way to do it in the end - thanks.

  • @KurtGokhan
    1.3.0 became available in the UPM catalog, you can install it through the ‘Add package by name’ function (2021+): name: com.unity.inputsystem, version: 1.3.0 and hit the ‘Add’ button. You don’t have to uninstall the git version before, it should automatically update it.
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That is nice to know.