What is the proper way to perform a multithreaded Capsule Collider using DOTS?

My question is the following:

  • What is the proper way to perform a multithreaded Capsule Collider cast using DOTS?

My objective is the following:

  • Perform a series of collision casts before moving the player character to determine valid move locations.


I am trying to cast a capsule collider within a Entities.ForEach() loop.

The error I get is usually some variation of the following message:

EntityBodyIndexMap is not declared [ReadOnly] in a IJobParallelFor job. The container does not support parallel writing. Please use a more suitable container type.

The problem is solved if I invoke the method call Schedule() rather than ScheduleParallel() at the end of the ForEach loop, while isolating the CollisionWorld and PhysicsWorld references outside the ForEach loop.

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Please try adding .WithReadOnly(world) before .ForEach, that should make the world read-only. Docs are here: Using Entities.ForEach | Entities | 0.17.0-preview.42

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Thank you! This did the trick!

For future folks interested in the solution, here it is:

World world = World.DefaultGameObjectInjectionWorld;
BuildPhysicsWorld buildPhysicsWorld = world.GetExistingSystem<BuildPhysicsWorld>();
PhysicsWorld physicsWorld = buildPhysicsWorld.PhysicsWorld;
CollisionWorld collisionWorld = physicsWorld.CollisionWorld;
Entities.WithReadOnly(collisionWorld).ForEach((Entity e,  ref Translation translation, ref Rotation rotation) =>
    // Your code here for casting colliders
    ColliderCastHit hit = new ColliderCastHit();
    bool haveHit = collisionWorld.CastCollider(c, out hit);