What is the recommended workflow for importing First person grab animation with camera movement for humanoid characters?

I have humanoid enemies that perform grab attacks in first person. I want to make grab animations with camera movement in the animation software(character creator 4 in this case), export it in a single .fbx and use it. I have an empty cube in the camera’s place. It shows up in import window and follows camera movement.

However, when I change the rig to humanoid, the cube is gone (presumably because it’s not part of any bone in a humanoid avatar. So I can’t import camera animation from humanoid animation) .fbx files.


What is the proper way to handle this? Is this an issue specific to character creator 4? Do maya/blender not have this issue?

You can toggle all here.

Thanks. I’ve managed to get the camera bone now but not getting any movement or rotation with the bone despite it moving in the original animation. But the bone moves if I use generic avatar. So the data is there.