Im making a (Most unique) shooter in unity, but when i fire it does an update setting a vector three, and it bumps up my 600 bytes a second to nearly 1200 byes a sec. I know this is low but how would I fix that? I would like to know if sending floats in more efficient. Or what about a 20 long string? which of the three is most efficient? I know I could test this but its on a small scale and I dont have a big scale yet.
A single float value has 4 bytes. Since a vector3 contains 3 floats it’s of course 3*4 == 12 bytes. A string would probably way worse as one character is usually encoded as 16 bit unicode character. So each character will have 2 bytes and an additional length of usually 4 bytes (1 integer) for the string itself.
Since that’s all you have provided that’s all i can answer.
That 600 to 1200 bytes is the network traffic? Isn’t that “raw” bytes, including all the headers? For example, each RPC also includes the name of the sending function, and probably a timeStamp. What sort of RPC was giving you the 600 bytes figure?
If your same RPC sent one extra Vector3, I imagine you’d see just a small increase. How much traffic does an RPC with no parms generate?