I encountered the bug in InputSystem 1.3.0, searched and found the fix in 1.4.0.
I was going to update to 1.4.0, but I still can’t select it, although on CHANGELOG.md it says it was released on 2022-04-10.
What is the status of InputSystem 1.4.0?
It’s currently listed as “Pre-release” on Github: Release 1.4.0 · Unity-Technologies/InputSystem · GitHub
You can try using it for yourself by downloading the “Source code (zip)” from that github link, extracting it, then in Unity going to: Package Manager → Plus Button → Add Package From Disk → /InputSystem-1.4.0/Packages/com.unity.inputsystem/package.json
Fwiw: The 1.4.0 update does not work properly in my project. It throws a bunch of “Type of instance in array does not match expected type” errors, IndexOutOfRange exceptions when trying to resolve bindings, and completely broke controls in my game other than for UI navigation. Hopefully they fix it before it’s officially “Released”.
Thank you!
I will try Pre-release.
Hi!. Did you have issues with the 1.4 pre release too?
I did - I tried out 1.4.0 and 1.4.1, as I -really- need Mouse Wheel Up/Down to be rebindable separately, and neither worked properly for me. They seemed to completely break certain inputs for me, like WASD would only register maybe 1 in 10 presses. Reverted back to 1.3.0 and it works just fine.
It seems like it is not being released yet due to some major code changes that differ from the 1.3.0 as it is my personal case of use:
I was looking for the changelog in which the posibility of making radial fills with button prompts is possible. That is as here is said in 1.4.0. Hence I downloaded it since I cannot use the package manager with that version yet.
However adding said functionality to my project via upgrading removed another key action in my game (being able to register double Vector2 presses to perform a dash).
I hope an official stable release comes soon.
Otherwise I was wondering if it is possible to combine different scripts of the input system from differerent versions, in my case the whole input system 1.4.0 with whatever handled the multitap interaction in 1.3.0.
I updated to 1.4.1 and I am now also constantly getting “Type of instance in array does not match expected type” (PlayerInput.cs:1735) errors on scene changes. Did you come up with any solution other than rollback?
Nope, I rolled back to 1.3.0 and am just waiting for the official 1.4.x release.
https://packages.unity.com/com.unity.inputsystem says 1.4.1 is publicly available, so you should be able to put 1.4.1 into manifest.json in your projects. We’re working on promoting it to released Unity versions.
1.4.1 Still suffers from a major issue that prevents it as a viable option for local multiplayer projects:
(These links below all discuss the same pool of issues)
Vote on this bug!
Button visual states flash/flicker frequently.
Selectable elements seem to simultaneously have “Disabled” and “Normal” interaction states active. Color schemes are not obeyed, Dropdowns look silly with a disabled BG color on every item.
Players can lose selected UI GameObject when other players’ canvas objects update.
After reverting back to 1.3.0 which fixes the issues some have mentioned above, it now gives me a different error when using:
InputSystem.onAnyButtonPress.Call(ctrl => {/* Do something with button press */});
Is this just yet another bug with the input system? I also tried v1.4.1 but that has the same issues as 1.4.2 as far as I can see.
Yep, this bug was confirmed by Unity and was fixed with 1.4.1. I’m having the same issue with the onAnyButtonPress event (also on 1.3.0), seems like we don’t have much of an option other than waiting until Unity fixes the issues within the current version.
Answering the question in the thread title: broken.
When do you plan to resolve errors regarding resolving bindings? It would be great to have it fixed because it makes a lot of problems.
We experienced a lot of issues with the new Input system 1.4.x, so we will switch back to 1.3.0. It’s also buggy, but at least it’s more stable and you don’t need to restart unity after each going to play mode, because InputSystem stops working.