What is the technical name for the first prototype with a game mechanics to show to investors?

Recently find out there is a specific name for the very first internal (prototype) demo that shows the capability and mechanics of the game. That tells you if the game is attractive, fun to play, and worth it. But I do not remember that nomenclature.

I think I read about a Quake early version.

And it’s not prototype?

Vertical Slice?

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MVP is another term that gets used, but not so much in game dev. (Minimum Viable Product)


No, vertical slice is a tiny part of the game at (close to?) full production quality as far as I know. Something you’d show to a publisher to get funding etc…

“Proof of concept” maybe? I think prototype would fit well enough too.


I’m not sure but If I remember well, it was only one word(?) That as you mention means internal minimum viable proof of concept prototype game to show to investors.
Searching I found: The Journey to Product-Market Fit: From POC to MVP to Prototype to PMF

Probably was PMF Product Market Fit

Yeah, also I feel like it’s a more recent term than the Quake 1 days (at least it being used in relation to games).

To be precise a vertical slice is a release of the game where every stage of it has at least some progress. If you visualize the game as a multi-layer cake no matter how wide your slice is you should always see every layer.


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PoC or proof of concept is a prototype which proves that your product (game) works, eg, your mechanics
PoV or proof of value, while normally used interchangeably with PoC, is normally 1 step up, and shows the value of the product (is your game fun? desirable? addictive? financially viable)
MVP or minimally viable product is when you have a version of the product with the minimum required features to go live.

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An MVP is the smallest version of a project which can be sold as a product. In other words, there’s enough of it there and it’s of sufficient quality to be sold to customers. In software that usually requires being much further along than a prototype.

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Early Prototype.

First prototype.

First build.

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