What is this red icon next to my script?

Never seen it before. What is it? My project has no compilation errors.

And more importantly, why does unity offer no easy way to figure out what it means? Theres no tooltip on it, for example.

it should match the icon in your heirachy, there are a number of tools that allow assigning of icons to these files - as a result it maybe something by accident or done by some scripts you have as part of the project or deliberately by someone else in the team

It does indeed match the hierarchy and project asset icon.
However I’ve never heard of or seen anything that can change a files icon, how is that done? we have no 3rd party tools that do it in our project.

This is a little known built-in feature:

See this page pretty much in the middle: Choose icons from the Select icon menu

I believe you can also make them appear in the scene view.

Indeed the show in the editor

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