What is this weird lighting bug in URP? while modeling a house in probuilder

When i turn off my camera this bug doesn’t happen anymore

whenever i navigate around the multiple suns act crazy. they triple. they double.

You might have already solved this but I’ve found this to happen when I have a Cube 3D Object and I set its scale to 0 on the Z-axis

I’m not familiar with probuilder but if this is the case then to fix it you could either increase the scale to give the walls some thickness, possibly scale the wall on the X-axis to 0 instead of Z (and then rotate it 90° on Y), or use a Plane instead of a Cube for those walls.

I think it’s due to the Bloom post processing effect. I’m not sure why though

how do I thank you more? Solution: this was happening on the extremely thin faces of the probuilder mesh. you can thicken them