What is wrong with Animation Preview Play Mode?

Unity 6 - fresh install of LTS. And my god, what is going on with the animation preview playmode.

It makes it through a single loop, before slowing down infinitely and causing the editor to come to a crawl. And from a quick google search, seems to have been noted by a few people at least.

Can we expect a fix, and or has anyone @Unity even acknowledged this issue?


Could you please create a Bug report and attach your project that is exhibiting this behaviour to it? Once you create the Bug report, reply in this thread with the link for it, so we could investigate it further.

To create a Bug report, please follow these steps:

  1. Open the project that is giving you this problem
  2. Go to “Help” at the top of the Unity Editor
  3. Select the “Report a Bug…” option
  4. Select “What is the problem related to” (“A problem with the Editor”) and “How often it is happening”
  5. Fill in the “Title” and “Details” fields in the Unity Bug Reporter window, giving as much detail as possible of the expected and actual results you’re experiencing and what are the steps that we should take to reproduce the issue on our systems with your project
  6. Make sure the project folder is attached
  7. Click “Send”

Thank you in advance!

Kind regards,
Unity Customer QA