What is wrong with my mouse movement script

Hello everyone.

I made a script here for my game, this script let me move my game object using only mouse. I can move my game object by clicking on the screen anywhere and move the mouse.

Now there problem that I;m having with this script is when I make the “sensitivity” unit to “2” it work like a charm. But when I tried to up the level on “sensitivity” let say to “5” my object will suddenly jump its position from the position it suppose to stay before I move the object.

And the other problem is, I have to set the object position to 0, 0, 0…and if I change the position of the object other that 0, 0, 0 it will jump position as well. Why is this?

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class ControlMouse : MonoBehaviour {
    public bool typeTouch;
    public GameObject player1;
    public float sensitivity;
    public Vector3 mousePos;
    public Vector3 worldPos;
    public Vector3 lasPos;
    public Vector3 newDelta;
    public Vector3 screenPos;
    private Vector2 direction;
    public bool pressed;
    public Camera theKamera;
    private RaycastHit hit;
     private Ray ray;
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start ()
        typeTouch = true;
        player1 = GameObject.FindWithTag ("fighterOne");
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update ()
        if (typeTouch)
            MouseOn ();
        if (pressed)
            mousePos = new Vector3 (newDelta.x + Input.mousePosition.x, newDelta.y + Input.mousePosition.y, newDelta.z);
            worldPos = theKamera.ScreenToWorldPoint (mousePos);
            worldPos -= lasPos;
            player1.transform.position = worldPos * sensitivity;

            screenPos = theKamera.WorldToScreenPoint (player1.transform.position);
            newDelta = new Vector3 (screenPos.x - Input.mousePosition.x , screenPos.y - Input.mousePosition.y, screenPos.z);
            lasPos = worldPos;
    void MouseOn ()
        ray = theKamera.ScreenPointToRay (Input.mousePosition);
        if (Input.GetMouseButton (0))
            if (Physics.Raycast (ray, out hit, 100))
                if (hit.collider.tag == "mouseControl")
                    pressed = true;   
            pressed = false;
