I’d like to use 3D models of Alice from Alice Madness Returns game for my studing project. I’ve find these models in Internet (example: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0z_Hr-BZ4CvWWIyR0daeU5hNjQ/view?usp=sharing). But when I trying to apply any animations (from Asset store) it do nothing. What should I do to make these models usable?
And could you share any manuals for creating animations?
Animations are custom made for an exact 3D model. You can’t mix and match. You would need to find animations made specially for that model. And, as Skared writes, some models weren’t made to be animated at all.
Now, if everyone happens to agree to set things up a certain way, that’s great, and you could swap models/animations then. So, if you find a model that says something like “rigged to use Unity3D humanoid animations” and an animation that says “works on Unity3D humanoid rigs” … .
Making animations is a whole thing. Unity uses standard animations, and there are (non-Unity) sites explaining it. But it is not easy.
I’m not an artist so don’t know how to check, but may be the model is not rigged? If you’re trying Mixamo then on their website they provide an autorigger system that allows your models to run their animations.
Is this a student project for a school or university course? If so, I imagine you’ll fail automatically for using copyrighted models…
However, the answer to your question is that that model is not rigged (i.e. it’s just an abstract bunch of triangles in a mesh - it has no “bones”). You can learn to rig a simple humanoid model in Blender: Building A Basic Low Poly Character Rig In Blender