What means the total allocated memory in the profiler?

In the unity profiler, running the game the in editor, it tolds me that I have 8Gb allocated that is a lot for what is currently my game.
6427313--718751--Captura de pantalla 2020-10-17 111334.png
I used the memory profiler and I cant see there where is this abusive use of memory.

As you can see, there is nothing that big in memory.

So again, what total allocated memory means, what am I missing? Is it bloat from the editor? All of it?

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Total Allocated counts amount of memory which is used by native code plus used managed heap memory.
In the Editor it also includes all allocations made by Unity Editor itself - I would expect this to be a dominating contributor in your case as well. Usually profiler itself can bloat the memory as all visible data is held in memory.
You can see more information in the “simple” memory pane of Profiler Window.

The Tree View only shows memory associated with Objects (c# object and UnityEngine.Object). Native Memory isn’t always associated with UnityEngine.Objects but often just lists, buffers … etc
Memory Map and view and Raw Data (e.g. Root References) or Alloc tables are better at showing this non-object-associated memory usage