Am i off base in thinking that Lightwave has a larger user base then Cinema4D and Blender? Don’t get me wrong, C4D is a nice tool and has comeon strong in recent years. I used it for a long time. But i had to eventually switch over to Lightwave because there was so much more developer support.
It would be nice if Unity could spend time getting the Lightwave importers up to par because as of right now it is severely lacking…
We have tried to talk to newtek but they have not shown a lot of interest in working with us on implementing a direct lightwave importer.
Maxon was much more supportive.
That said, if you have any specific lightwave issue with the importer please do Report a bug on it, and we will forward the bug to newtek or find a workaround on our side.
i vote for this too as i’m using lw. the fbx exporter is doing ok by me for now. native support would be a good thing though…
[edit: posted at the same time as joachim… newtek’s in the midst of trying to release lw9. bet after they get that handled they’ll have more time to think about stuff like this.]
I’ve been using Anark for some time for similar things that I’m wanting to use Unity for. They created their own exporters for the various applications. Is this not a route that Unity could follow?