What other software do I need with Unity for Independent Development?

Any reasonably priced software is welcome. Software that cost over £200 each isn’t within my budget so please do not post any software with that price tag.

From what I understand I will need software to create models, sprites, backgrounds etc. but I am not sure what else I need.

Thank you in advance.

You’ll usually need (free program-wise, as that’s mainly what I use:
-Blender: 3D Modeling.

-Gimp (or Paint.Net, Gimp is preferred): Texture creation
tutorial: It’s more or less Photoshop, so looking at tutorials for it will more or less work.

other than that what you need depends on what your gonna do. For example, if your going to be sculpting
models than Sculptris is something to look at.

So the things I need is:

  • 3D Modelling Software
  • Photoshop Software

Correct? If so apart from Blender and Gimp, what other software is there for those two types of software?

Backup software. For example, Backupper. (free)

Version control software. For example, Subversion. (<-- That’s actually a link to Unity’s VCS docs.) (free)

uTomate. This invaluable tool is well worth the cost if you need to automate anything in Unity.

Audacity for audio editing. (free)

Gimp seems to be the popular choice, but I prefer PAINT.NET (free). It may not be as powerful, but it does everything I need and it’s much simpler to use.

You will need soft-wares for those:

  • 3D modelling & animation
  • Textures & 2D art
  • Sound effects & music

For 3D:

  • Blender / Free
  • 3D max / Paid
  • Cinema 4D / Paid
  • Maya / Paid

Textures & 2D:

  • Gimp / The easiest / Free
  • Adobe Photoshop / Professional / Paid


  • Adobe Audition

For me, I use:
Blender / Photoshop / Adobe Audition


For sounds & music, do you mean just editing or actually creating sounds/music?

Kind of both of them.

I’m new to game development as you are and I had the same question.

After doing some research I found the following programs:

Free 2d modeling software: Gimp

Free 3d modeling software: Blender3d

Free audio recording and editing software: Audacity

Audio creating software: I’d use a cheap keyboard synth for most of my sounds.

Adobe now provides monthly payment options for their software, if you’re experienced with Photoshop, by all means use it, as Gimp does have a learning curve due to the UI.