What physics type do I do?

Hello there! So I’m making my 1st indie game. Its an overhead shooter. But what physics type would I want to use for the walls and player? I usually just do dynamic and disable gravity, but I want to know the best one to do. For movement of the player I’m just doing translate for those who are wondering.

Is your game 2D or 3D?

Either of those you can have just mundane colliders, that wont let the player pass through a wall.

Type of what? Body-type? Rigidbody? Rigidbody2D?

“Walls” and “Player” are not a description of a physics dynamic. Maybe by “Walls” you mean something that doesn’t move? If so then you’ve answered your own question: Static.

Maybe by “Player” you mean something that does move? If so then again, you’ve answered your own question: Dynamic. Unless of course you want to move it and it not to have a collision response in which case: Kinematic.

Translate of what? The Transform? If so, never do this with physics. The Rigidbody(2D) is there to write to the Transform, not you. Use the Rigidbody(2D) API.