Well its a game technology, not a browser, so I
don’t see why it should use configs that are meant
for a browser,
I think webplayer is not so complex as web browser, so no needs to poor emulate web browser functions if exists ability for browser API using. This needs only for standalone games.
In other words, if webplayer have web browser as parent object, so it may to use browser methods, as it usual in OPP style .
Are you sure that you didn’t mess the IP and
really wanted to use your local lan router as your
We was try to use local and global address (on other machine with global IP). My Linux router is my proxy (Squid), no mistake there.
Additional things:
- is the proxy without password?
No. But I have this kind of proxy to, and was try to use it.
- did you set useProxy, otherwise proxy configs
are ignored
Yes I do.
for more, please see http://unity3d.com/support
and last but not least. did you test if the unity
networking works or did you only test WWW?
Do not test networking, I think there nothing to test. WWW class works perfectly without proxy, this tested on several computers.
Potentially above will set the System.NET proxy to
the same as you set the network (which is raknet,
not System.NET based), but if not you could also
set it through the corresponding system net end
and test it.
See here: http://www.hccp.org/csharp-
thx immediately!
Actualy, my the script is:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Net;
void Awake()
//global proxy ip
Network.proxyIP = "";
Network.proxyPort = 3128;
Network.useProxy = true;
// other example behind the NAT
Network.natFacilitatorIP = "";
Network.natFacilitatorPort = 3128;
Network.useNat = true;
//or for proxy with user/password behind the NAT
System.Uri proxyURI = new System.Uri("");
System.Net.WebProxy proxy = new System.Net.WebProxy(proxyURI);
proxy.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("USER", "PASSWORD");
WebRequest.DefaultWebProxy = proxy;
void start(){
WWW w = new WWW("http://www.kembl.ru");
and then i seek for activity in the squid access log files.