What’s working well, and what are your biggest pain points?


While the Unity 2021 development cycle is running at full speed, Unity’s Product Management is looking at future releases, and we would like to learn about your overall experiences working on a Unity project today - for example, what’s working well, and what are your biggest pain points?

If you’ve worked on a project using Unity anytime recently, we’d like to hear from you via this survey. The learnings will help Unity understand how to focus our efforts to better support the needs of creators.

This survey should take between 5 and 10 minutes to complete.

Thanks is advance for your time.
Mathieu (Graphics Product Manager)

Note: only anonymized and aggregated data will be shared as a tool to prioritize future focus.


Hey, sorry, my fault, the survey is now closed, and I forgot to remove it. Closing this thread now.


link said “Sorry, this survey is not currently active.”

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That says so much…

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compiling shaders


maybe they went over the keyword limit…


Still not active :frowning: