What scripting language should I use for a multiplayer project?

Hi guys!

I want to make a game, not something fancy for the begining, so I have thinking to create an online map based batlle oriented game, where lets say 15-20 people enter a map in 2 teams and accomplish an objective like capture the base or something.

So the question is what scripting language should I use, to be familiar when I am switching from singleplayer project to the multiplayer one, and when I need to create the serverside engine.

NOTE: I want to use the same type of language both on clientside and serverside to be more easy to overcome compilation issues or bugs.

Thanks a lot!

Use C#. That’s what is native to Mono - the technology driving Unity behind the curtains.

UnityScript/Javascript gets painful after a while, because you can’t fully unleash the more powerful features of the mono platform like Generics etc.

Other than that, Tanoshimi is dead right. Don’t think about your own game before you understanding everything that is in:


Play with everything that is offered there. Understand and customize it, then you can think about making something of your own. And Multiplayer is not simply the same as two times Singleplayer. Don’t try it before you understand yourself why it’s hard.