Hi there,
My project involves displaying an atmospheric map of air pressure in millibar, with a colored heatmap like this attached example. The pressure data is available in C# in a 2 dimension float[,] array, and I need quite a good resolution, something like float[100,100].
Anyone has suggestions how to best implement it? I have started with a Unlit Shader, passing an array of float pressure values with Material.SetFloatArray() and using the corresponding uniform float array in the shader’s code to retrieve the pressure value(x,y) and then use a scale to determine the corresponding color.
Problem: the array’s size is limited to 1,000, too low to pass a float value for each x,y point of my grid with a good resolution.
Any suggestion please? I suspect there is a better way to map a [x,y] array of values from C# to a shader to use it.