Can anyone suggest me what will be the best shader to get this resin effect
For the second pic as much as i am understanding, it is semi transparent (orange color) where the black lines(drawing or wahtever you say to it) are kinda opaque or very less transparent. Which shader(s) would be best for any of these two or both.
This kind of look is exceptionally difficult to render well in real time. A subsurface shader of some kind is going to be the first thing you’ll want to look into. There are a number of examples on the asset store and for free elsewhere if you search for them. They’re all some form of approximation that’ll get you part of the way there. It should be noted that movies have only started doing this kind of thing without a ton of fakery recently (like in the last 5 years) because of how much calculation is involved.
Thanks bgolus, i have looked few shaders on asset stores like
subsurface scattering shadder.
UBER - Standard shader ultra (which i liked most)
Someother guy suggested me faking the reflection, but how to do that i know nothing. Would like to toss some tips and steps which takes place in faking reflection like this.