i am making a game but memory is my problem, and the fps is like 30 where almost nothing there on the scene. i tried with my co worker computer(very high machine) and the result is same.20-30 fps. I look at the statistics and metahuman textures are 8K the others are 4K.
I watched a video about optimizing and she says lower the normal maps and keep high on the base. Should i do normal maps like 1024*1024 and bases are 4k? my co workers said give me a plan so i can export it healty here(they are doing the meshes and textures). But i don’t know what to say. I looked at the forums but i didn’t get the answers i wan’t. What should be the resulition for a game and for memory performance. Thanks for all the answers.
I‘m afraid there is no general recommendation possible with the information you provided. For one, system specs are important to know as well as what the profiler is saying where the performance goes. It could even be as simple as a script taking too much time or setting Application.targetFrameRate to 30.
As long as all the textures in the scene fit comfortably in video memory the size of textures should have very little effect on fps - unless you are testing on integrated GPU where video memory resides in (slow) main memory.
as a first step measure how much texture memory is in use, profiler tells you that, and you can even see an estimate in game window stats.
I wonder if this could be a fill rate issue too?
How do you even know it’s the textures which are causing the low frame rate?
The profiler is your best friend…