what should I do whit this script to work?

I have an error. Plz help me!
Assets/Code/Path.cs(12,9): error CS1525: Unexpected symbol }', expecting (‘, )', ,’, ;', [', {', or

what’s wrong?

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class Path : MonoBehaviour 

	public Transform[] Points;
	public IEnumerator<Transform>[] GetPathsEnumerator()
		throw new NotificationServices
	public void OnDrawGizmos()
		if (Points == null || Points.Length < 2)
		for (var i = 1; i < Points.Length; i++)
			Gizmos.DrawLine(Points _.position, Points*.position);*_

* }*
* }*

throw new NotificationServices

should be

 throw new NotificationServices();

This is your line of code with the new error.

public IEnumerator GetPathsEnumerator()

I dont think IEnumerator cane be used GetPathsEnumerator
Plus I think you need to go take a look at the unity scripting tutorials. Your previous error was because of syntax which is essential to know if you want to do any coding.

Link to the unity3d scripting tutorials Learn game development w/ Unity | Courses & tutorials in game design, VR, AR, & Real-time 3D | Unity Learn