What should I do? (XR input method question)

We have a VR game that uses old steamvr 1.2.3 input. Unfortunately that limits us with anything, like engine upgrade from 2019 to 2020/21 for example. Game is released already on steam, but it’s time to upgrade the engine which means input system needs to be reworked as well. We might also release at some stage Quest version, so it seems like OpenXR would be a good option. But as far as I know custom bindings are broken on SteamVR for OpenXR am I right? When I look on SteamVR and OpenVR plugin for XR it seems like it wasn’t updated for pretty long time and also as far as I know we would need any possible controller to create bindings for it , is that correct?. This is so confusing… what would you do? Quest version might never happen, it might stay only on Steam forever. Thanks all!

What version of OpenXR are you looking into? In 1.5.1, we’ve got controller profiles for a good number of devices described here: Input in Unity OpenXR | OpenXR Plugin | 1.5.3

Or are you talking about Quest 1 support? I’m assuming that’s not the case, but better to ask than assume.

Hi, thanks for your answer. No Quest 1 support planned, biggest worry I have is SteamVR, because lot of players currently using custom bindings made in SteamVR