i was planning on developing a free-to-play game using unity ,i already developed some levels, my only problem is that i do not want the unity splash screen in my game so i saw that i need to buy unity plus even if i don’t need any of the features besides the removal of the splash screen. is it worth it or should i switch to some other engine like Unreal4?
Switching engines will require you to learn the new engine and any programming languages it uses, which will likely take months of time by itself. Plus costs $40 a month. You’ll have to decide how much the delay is worth to you and compare that to how long you expect it to take for you to finish development.
If you on’t want splash screen, then you should buy subscription. You’re the one deciding whether this is worth it for you or not.
Switching to another engine most likely will set your project back or kill it outright. As you’ll have to redo everything that is not a media asset.
instead of avoiding the unity logo because of bad reputation, build quality products that will reverse the stigma. do everyone a favor.
Which is more valuable to you? Your money or your time? Once you have a firm grasp of the fundamentals of a game engine learning the fundamentals of a second one is very quick. That said if it took you a year or more to pick up the fundamentals of Unity it’s very likely it will take one or more months to pick up Unreal.
Additionally you won’t just be learning a new game engine. You’ll be learning a new programming language because Unreal uses C++ instead of C# and even with the macros it has assisting you you will need to learn new concepts like memory management which is mostly handled behind the scenes for you in C# but not in C++.
Basically is your time worth more or less than the $40/mo for Unity Plus?
So, I’ve been following this game called Shardpunk: Verminfall. Great looking game, looks to play like a pixelated XCOM. He’s got a fairly large following for its development time. The guy released a demo on itch a few weeks ago. I tried it out, and what do you know… Unity splash screen. Did I care. Of course not.
Like @BIGTIMEMASTER was saying, make a game that people will want to play, and that logo won’t matter for sh*t.