Hello i want to add animations to a character i created, however i’m new to both blender (Which I used to create it) and Unity.
Should i do the animations on Unity or Blender ? Is there any reason for it other than personnal preference ?
Hello i want to add animations to a character i created, however i’m new to both blender (Which I used to create it) and Unity.
Should i do the animations on Unity or Blender ? Is there any reason for it other than personnal preference ?
Your question is super generic… but I hope this helps. At least as a starting block.
I just stumbled across this excellent article this morning about 2D animations. 1. It talks about three different methods of creating and using 2D animations.
Unity also provide an entire section on Animation tutorials. 2. They provide excellent videos and articles on the subject.
Anything else you’re specifically looking for will require some more information provided on your part or some good Google-ing.