What skills should a newbie learn to make an anatomy app?

Hello everyone! I’m totally new to unity and programming, I want to create a dental anatomy app but i have absolutely no idea what coding language i should start learning, I could do digital art well enough to take care of the drawing part, i was adviced to learn to use unity for 3D art-related apps. Where should i begin?
Thank you so much!!

You see the top of the website? Where all the links are at? If you click “Learn” and believe it or not you will actually learn if you want to learn.

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Thanks :slight_smile:

I’d forget the learn section for the moment and sketch out your design some more. What exactly should your app do?

Unity is good for some mobile apps, but it’s not the best choice for all mobile apps.

When you are ready to start coding then go to learn. But by your OP that’s still a ways off.

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There is a free set of those comedy type chattering teeth in the asset store that would be good for prototyping. If you want more realistic looking ones after the prototyping is done then at the DAZ 3D Store there is an artist called Zev0 that has a pair of false (I have no affiliation you Zev0 just stating a fact). You’d need to negotiate with Zev0 to use those in a game. They might want more money or they might not. There are also free assets for Q&A and simple Storybook type telling too so those topics in an asset store search and in the Unity Learn tutorials after you do the introduction to the Unity Editor and the most basic scripting in the Learn section will probably be helpful to you.

Umm… Anatomy?

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