What to choose to make .bundle plugin in XCode?

I feel like I shouldn’t need to ask this but after successfully creating a .dll plugin on VStudio I’m having issues creating a similar .bundle on the Mac using XCode 4.

I’m not even sure I’m choosing the correct option when creating a new project. The Unity docs specify to choose “Bundle - Carbon/Cocoa Loadable Bundle” but that option doesn’t seem to exist in XCode4, I have a “bundle” option which I’ve tried but can’t seem to get to work with the most simple of code (Unity keeps returning Dll not found exception). I am compiling for 32bit too.

Can anyone confirm this is the correct option to choose to create a plugin for Mac? At least if I knew that part I might be able to make progress.


It was the .bundle option (with the core foundation framework, not sure if that makes a difference) if anyone else is interested, I’ve got another problem now but I’ll ask that as a separate question.