So, I’m setting up my input for the Ouya and all is well, but my problem is that down on the D-pad on the Ouya controller is a trigger on the Ps3 controller, so without some change the triggers of the PS3 controller would move my character down on Ouya? So I need to somehow tell which controller is which? But I don’t know how to do that, my list of joystick names is empty so I can’t compare those… Any ideas?
Go download the Ouya Unity SDK. It has what you need.
Our devs. here went and commit some fixes to the Ouya SDK as well to fix problems with our game.
Does the Ouya effect the build size of games on other platforms and normal Android? I don’t really want all there stuff bloating my games file size.
Not much. For Ouya it is almost same/similar to Android build size.
Hmm, Ok, I’ll look into it.
Use this, it maps all controllers…