What to do with Player game object while he is waiting to respawn.

I have a working player respawn system, but while the player is waiting to respawn his ghost body is still in the level.

Is there a way to turn off the rigidbody and mesh renderer until he respawns, or should I hide the body outside of the level?

I've read some of the other answers, and they involve destroying the player, then respawning him later. Would this be a good solution to explore?

Yes I think the most effective method in games is to destroy your player and instantiate a "dead body" of your prefab (with animation preferably) which remains in level until you respawn. At which point you would destroy the instantiated "dead body". Another way is to hide it outside the level maybe by dropping it through the level and keeping the camera static, but this looks nasty and unprofessional. That's just my opinion, other people may see it differently?