What Tutorial Would You Like To See?

Hey all hows it going, I thought to my self that it would be kind of fun to start a tutorial series on how to use unity3d(5) and making a game with it. What i would like to know is what kind of game tutorial would people like me to focus on 2D or 3D and what genre MOBA,RPG,Shooter,etc i am happy to make a tutorial on basically anything i am still learning unity but i know alot now compared to when i first started so i thought it would be nice to now give back and help others.

3D, First person RPG, rigidbody player controller + Oculus (DK2) :smile:

There are limits to which i can teach, i can teach you what i know i can teach you how to make a First person RPG but i do not own a oculus there for i can not teach you that but have you tryed using there SDK on there website?

For me personally, I am not interested in seeing another shooter, platformer, or similar tutorial. These are what I would call the basics. I am anxious to move onto something more advanced and interesting.

I would like to see an old-school, 3D first-person, turn-based, step-based, party-based, dungeon-crawler like “Eye of the Beholder”, “Wizardry”, or the more recent Might & Magic X Legacy.

I know this kind of game is much more complicated to teach, but this is the kind of game I want to learn to program. I have gone through tons of shooter and platformer tutorials. They are a plenty and some are very good, but at this point in my education, I just want to learn something more advanced and interesting (more interesting to me, that is).

If you want a smaller in scope tutorial idea, my hope is that you explain how to set up a proper player character controller to control this kind of movement and how to use arrays to define the level grid spaces with properties such as passable/not-passable/damaging/slowed-movement, etc. to deal with collision with walls and other obstacles. The movement and collision-detection style of the games I mentioned above.

Thanks for taking the time to consider.

Cheers and good luck finding a suitable tutorial project to start!

RPG style final fantasy 8, is rare see this type of tutorials similar to the FF8/7. Or resident evil style game tutorial also rare. That is my opinion.:slight_smile:

I would love to see some tutorials on “Infinite procedurally generated terrain and biomes”

A question I asked a while back now, still waiting on some valuable info for it. :slight_smile:

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No, no do a MMORPG tutorial!! I’ve always wanted to see one of those. :slight_smile:
Just kidding, but I’d like to see it.

The survival genre seems to be all the rage at the moment. How about some focused isolated systems commonly used in those survival type games.

How about this for a challenge, produce a tutorial that breaks down the game in chunks, and walks you through the process of putting all the pieces together, and completing a store ready finished product.

Example, lets come up with an idea for a game, doesn’t have to be anything AAA or next gen, but a fun, visually appealing game with solid game play, and has “all” the pieces of a complete finished game, not just the “Game” scene.

So, I would request:

  • The game itself (genre, 2D, 3D, title, story, description, game play & goals)
  • The assets (art, models, sounds, music)
  • The build design (start with the game mechanics, and work out to the supporting scenes, or vice versa?)
  • Menus, UI, and the supporting logic to “drive” the game.
  • Replay value techniques, leaderboards, achievements, etc. & good monetization practices.

I believe so many users have some cool ideas for games, they just are not prepared well enough for the tasks ahead of them when they start trying to put the entire finished product together. I haven’t seen very many tutorials that take a simple game concept and build it, then finish the rest of the game that surrounds it.

This to me, would be valuable, mainly because the lack of good solid principles for coding the logic that “binds” the entire game together.

Anywho, those are my thoughts, would love to hear others on this, suggestions, comments, anything to add to what I have?




Raiden i really like this idea and i am very happy to make a tutorial on how i would create games, This would be from the beginning to the end not skipping anything in the game creation process, If i get a few more people to agree with this then ill happily make a tutorial series like this if no one votes for this or wants to do something else ill randomly select 1 thing that someone would like to do and create a series on that but as of this point in time i really like your idea. I will select a tutorial to make in about 2 hours as thats when i get home.

Ok everyone im back at home and i have decided that i will create a tutorial series to do with what Raiden said i just noticed that 2 people liked his post so im going to start on the first video right away.

Hey all i have released the first video. you can watch it here.

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Hi LtGamers-Laurence, hey thanks so much for going this route with the game, I just finished the video, very well done, exactly as I had hoped for with starting the entire game making process.

Great job so far, and I really like the game idea too!


Haha im glad you like the idea and thanks for the feed back. Im going to be posting all new videos up on this thread from now on and i hope to get the next video up very soon. http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/unitycommunity-game-tutorials.324518/

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Thanks for taking this up! The one thing that frustrates me is that tutorials are always missing crucial stuff. There are plenty of RPG tuts out there. The total package should include RPG, multi-player, leaderboards, ads and monetization. It should be developed such that the whole package is ready to deploy to the app stores.
